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We asked Sabrina at the front counter how to get to the downtown area tonight. She said it was a 25 minute walk so we started out in the direction she pointed us in. We ended up stopping at this lookout point where we could see the whole bay of Sorrento. It was beautiful!

There was this cave looking path by the look out and we walked down in it and it ended up taking us all the way down to the beach! Most beaches in Italy you have to pay for but we just walked right on this one.

It had black sand and lots of rocks and was in this little cove area. There were only a few people there. We sat and soaked up the sun for a bit and collected shells and rocks.

Kyle eventually started skipping rocks until his arm started to hurt. So we walked back up to the top and decided to go back to the hotel to get the car and drive to the city center instead.

This is where Kyle fell in love with Sorrento. Right at the entrance to the main strip was an underground parking structure!! Now if you've been to Italy or have been following my blog and understand why he was so happy to find a parking lot I applaud you but if not it all comes down to there is no such thing as parking in Italy. It is virtually impossible to find parking spots anywhere and if you do you need to make sure to bring everything with you because it's not safe to leave things out in the open. Well this patrolled lot was paradise for Kyle!

Then about 5 minutes after we parked the car, Kyle fell in love with Sorrento all over again. Outside the parking structure was a pizza making vending machine that promises you true Italian pizza in 2.5 minutes!! Crazy vending machines are a love for Kyle being stationed in Japan for 3 years he's seen his share of crazy vending machines. This one topped his list. No we didn't try it, I was too skeptical about the fact that it took less than 3 minutes to make a pizza. Made me think it was probably just a frozen pizza that was microwaved in the machine.

After calming down from the excitement of the pizza machine we headed towards the town. Our first mission was to find a bank because we didn't have cash anymore. That was a harder challenge than expected. We walked up and down the main strip and even looked on Kyle's google maps but no luck. Luckily I had seen a tourist info shop at the beginning of the strip so we walked back there and sure enough they spoke English and pointed us in the right direction.

Now for shopping!!! I was so happy! They had a few of my favorite Italian stores there like Carpsia and Carthusia. There was also a fun cooking store that we explored. Since we just went to the cooking class that morning we were in search of a ravioli cutter. You would be surprised at how hard it is to find one in Italy! None of the stores had them. We will have to check when we get back to Pozzuoli I guess. I bought a new purse from Carpisa that I'm in love with and a few other things there. I love that store, so cheap!

I also got some perfume from Carthusia because I love their packaging!! Such a designer moment. That company is from Capri where they make the perfume. The one I got smells like their wisteria out here, very lovely. I was set after that store. I had bought everything I wanted and we went in all the shops I wanted to look at.

Kyle wanted lemon ice so we sat and had some of those before we headed down to this Irish pub that we saw earlier. He wanted to go there because they were playing the Arsenal vs Eaverton futbal game. 

The owners at the bar were very friendly and happy to cater to us. We sat where he could see the big tv and ordered food and beer. They had some Belgian beers on tap that we tried. Mine was called bulldog I think and I don't know what Kyle's was but they were both good. We left at halftime, Kyle said he got his fix in and didnt care if we stayed for the whole game. So we headed back to the car then back to the hotel. We had asked Sabrina earlier what time check out was and in true Neapolitan fashion she responded with "ehhh 10 ish or maybe 11" haha so perfect. Kyle had a little bit of homework to do when we were back at the room before we went to bed. He had started online classes on Monday. We were both very very very content with our day in Sorrento! After going into the town and exploring the city we both fell in love with it and wanted to live there! It's so much better and nicer than where Kyle lives or Naples. They don't have trash on the streets, you don't feel sketchy or scared ever, people are friendly which is such a shock! It is such a different area and not to mention so beautiful full of vegetation as well as the beaches!



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