We actually slept in till about noon today! It's been a busy week and yesterday at Pompeii was a lot of walking so we were exhausted. I made us chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast with nutella. Since people are coming over tonight we needed to clean up the place. We bought a bunch of bowls and Tupperware stuff last night so I needed to wash those so I spent most of the day in the kitchen. Kyle had a ton of trash piled up from all the boxes he had to unpack and what not, also he hasn't figured out yet what he's supposed to do with his trash at his place so he gathered it all up an took it down to his friends to dump it there. We needed some things for tonight so we headed over to base to go to the market there. We were having Kyle's friends over tonight for a BBQ. Andrew, Jesse and his girlfriend Emily came over for dinner. Kyle grilled burgers outside and I baked cookies. We sat out on the balcony in the back to eat and got an amazing display of a firework sho...
A story of our journeys overseas.