I still had a secret Kyle didn't know about, the hotel Christmas, and he was about to find out. When we were waiting in line for a cab, I pulled out the room key that was in an envelope and gave it to him. He was very confused but I said just be patient. After dealing with out stupid cabbie we made it to the hotel. I didn't need to check in since I already had. I was do excited in the elevator I still couldn't contain myself I wanted to show him his surprise so badly! Once we got to the room he saw the sign on the door and I explained that since he couldn't be here for Christmas, I made it for us! He loved everything! I showed him around the whole place and everything that I had done. Our cute little christmas tree! Loaded baked potato soup with strawberry mango sangria and cute straws to match! The first thing he wanted to do was to have me open my present but I told him to wait. He wanted to take it out of his suitcase at the airport an have me open it he w...
A story of our journeys overseas.