Good morning! We made pancakes today and had Vermont Maple Syrup with them that I brought from my trip up there. Kyle had never tasted real Vermont syrup and fell in love with it!
We drove out to support site today to go to the market out there to buy groceries. We were going to stop at Sean's before hand just to say hi, buy our groceries and come back home. But once we got to Sean's he started up the BBQ and told us to stay for dinner. Also we couldn't go to the commissary because my pass to get on base wouldn't let me into the commissary too so we decided to just wait. But on the way out to support site I photographed some of the Italian flavor to give you a glimpse of what real Italy is like.
Hanging your clothes and sheets off your balcony is what all Italian's do. Most of them don't own dryers and use their balconies to dry all their clothes.
Surprisingly they do own trashcans in Italy. They are regulated though and you can only dump trash at certain times which makes it more convenient for most Italians to just burn their trash in the streets instead.
Hard to tell here but this car is half on the sidewalk half on the street. Most Italians park like this, or wherever they feel like pretty much.
Tiny cars everywhere!
Italians also make up their own rules on the streets, this guy in the blue car is driving in the middle of 2 lanes right now. Also the car on the far left is parked on the sidewalk.
Lots of tunnels, which are a good and bad thing. When they get backed up is when its bad because theres no ventilation in the tunnels so they have huge fans in there to keep the air moving.
Italian signs are kinda interesting and not really helpful at times. At busy areas signs are all over everywhere like this intersection, but where theres less traffic you don't have any.
Cherry trees are in bloom! Among many other fruit trees out here and nut trees too. They don't just have olive trees in Italy!
Agip is one of the chain gas stations. This one is off the freeway but like most of the gas stations off the freeway you can only get to it by freeway. Its like a rest stop.
This isn't unusual for a name to have over 10 letters in it, Circumvallazione has 16!
This guy is true definition for Italian Flavor! White boy style.
Italian billboards! Me and my design eye, I can't stand any of their advertising. They are also usually just clustered together like this or on top of each other.
Vacant buildings are't unusual either. A lot of the time the Mob has come in and taken over the place.
Umbrella Trees! Also known as Stone Pine trees, these are all over Italy and I think they are so interesting!
Sometimes the Mob takes over before building even gets too far underway.
More development that was probably stopped by the Mob
Look I have a new blue tattoo!! So when we showed up to Sean's house, his son Joe (2) was covered in red and blue marker. Apparently he decided he wanted to draw all over his arms and legs with markers. It was pretty cute but because he was covered in marker when he sat on me then I became covered in marker. I had blue on my arms and legs too, just like little Joe!
So these are some of the things I do all day while I'm home alone when Kyle has to work. I usually go down to the corner cafe then go over to the markets and get what I need for dinner that night or any other random things we seem to need. If its not raining I'll go walk around the neighborhood and get lost and find my way back. This all needs to be done before 1 or 2 because thats nap time over here for everyone. All the shops close up for a few hours and go have huge lunches then sleep till its time to open up again for the evening. So today I built a table during those hours! Kyle bought this table from the NEX (the Navy Exchange on base) because the table he had barely fit the two of us, let alone a crowd if he ever had one. Plus his kitchen is big enough and he had gift cards so might as well! They delivered it around 9am and just put it in the kitchen then left. So it was up to us to build it. Well that was a bigger task than I expected when I started opening up the box....
This is the last night I'll spend in my bed! Tomorrow night I'll be sleeping on a plane for 11+ hours and then the night after that will be the start of my nights of sleep in Italy! It has been quite the intense week with preparing as well as seeing people before I leave. I just saw the whole LCAD gang again one last time tonight which was was awesome! Soooo good seeing Dana too =) I think I'm all packed and ready! Well I know I'm ready that's for sure but as for packed, well we shall see once I get there what I forgot! I did have to pack a carry on which I was trying to avoid. It seems like I will be carrying all this onto the plane with me! Yay!! That's what I get for packing my suitcase over 50lbs oh well. ♥ Mae
2 January 2013 Boston, MA and Newport, RI This is Kyle again, I have returned to write another blog about my trip to the East Coast. Laura and I had an awesome time on New Years and New Years day. We woke up early this morning in preparation for our trip to Boston and rushed to Kinkos so we could print our bus tickets. We hauled our stuff quickly to Chinatown and hopped on the Fung-Wah bus. Laura and I slept on and off throughout the ride and finally arrived in Boston 4 hours later. We quickly departed the bus station and headed directly to the Sam Adam's brewery. On the way we saw Kady's street! We got there just in time for the tasting session of their final tour of the day! The beer was so fresh and amazing! We met up with some of Laura's friends who were also in Boston (the same ones we met up with on New Year's Eve-Day). Lily, Laura, Me, Alexian and Eric at Sam Adams! We headed over to the local pub called Doyles that ...
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