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New Years Eve (By Kyle)

31 December 2012

New Years Eve

By Kyle

Wow, what a day!  We did so much, and still have an action packed week ahead of us.  We woke up early after a night of watching Scrubs.  I haven't seen the whole series yet, so Laura is bringing me up to speed (from 8 years ago, haha).  We didn't bother eating breakfast; we had brunch engagements with some of her close friends who were visiting the city.  This was my first REAL venture into the city.  I had been to New York 12 years before, so I was pretty much lost without Laura.  We took multiple subways to Astoria and met up with her friends at the Grand Cafe.  Laura mentioned she and Chris hate the restaurant's neon sign because at night it is way too bright for the surrounding area.  It was daytime, so it didn't bother us the least bit.  When we entered, a hostess approached me, and as I was about to say, "We are meeting some friends here," I hear a high pitched voice scream "Laura!".  It was her friend Lily.  Laura ran over to the table and hugged her as I followed behind.  I met all of her friends and they were so nice!  We ate and talked about work, life, and everything else.  For some reason the staff took way too long to get our food, so by the time me and Laura started eating, everyone else was done.  We paid the bill and started heading toward Manhattan.

We went to Manhattan for some pre-new years shopping.  Laura and I wanted to buy new "outfits" (I call them clothes, because guys don't wear "outfits") for the new year.  We made our way to Union Square, a prominent shopping district within the city.  We traveled by subway, and when we arrived I was astounded by the number and size of the departments stores.  They seemed to go on forever!  We went into a couple crafty-home stores that had a bunch of interesting and unique goods.  Laura tried to convince me to buy a dutch oven, and I told her the only dutch oven I knew of was one where you fart under the covers in your bed.  She didn't appreciate that definition very much, but I thought it was funny.  We headed towards Banana Republic and Laura helped me pick out clothes.  I'll admit, I was being difficult, but we got a bunch of clothes for me and at a good price too.  Next we went to Express, and I got some more shirts and I bought Laura two dresses.  Last stop was H&M, where I got two scarves.  I have never owned a scarf, so this was a new experience for me (if I can call it that).  I was being silly and unreasonable by this time, and Laura was finding it increasingly difficult to entertain my antics, so we made our way home for our big night out.

After more than an hour of preparation, we were ready for a night on the town.  Decked out in our new clothes and fancy hair-do's, we took the subway to the east village.  We had reservations as Ayza Wine and Chocolate Bar, and showed up a bit earlier than expected.  We had a drink at the bar before our table was ready and admired the atmosphere.  They had decorated all fancy for New Years Eve.  Laura loved it all!!

It was a low-light, intimate and elegant restaurant with great food and impressive drink selection.  We each ordered the Filet Mignion and Hummus Dip and shared a couple glasses of champagne.  I had a 25 year old Glenfiddich Single Malt Scotch, while Laura had a glass of wine.  We talked about our future and our past.  It was a great time.

We left before the ball dropped, we were so exhausted from everything we did that day.  We were sitting in the subway when the clock stroke 12, but it isn't about where you are on New Year's Eve, it's about who you are with.  Hopefully, it's with someone you love.  I was, and it was amazing.

Where we were at midnight

Happy New Year!

⚓ Kyle


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